hur cosmos

Steve's and Soo

Hur 2011. 1. 13. 05:31

I saw Stephen A. and Stephen P. talking in the hallway while I needed to talk to Stephen P. 
After they were done with the conversation, they asked me "Do you need Steve?", pointing out each other almost spontaneously.

Confused for a nanosecond, but then I pointed out Stephen P. right away. 
And at that very moment, they said, answering to their own questions,

"Yes she definitely needs Steve."
"Oh yeah sure."

They were both Steve, having exact same spelling of Stephen.
So this is how I finally got to talk to Steve P. (I talk to Stephen A. almost everyday), after working three months in the firm.

"What was your name again?"


"What about your last name?"

"Hur. H-U-R.."

"Soo Hur."

"Well my full name is actually Soo Jin but people just call me Soo here"

"Soo Hur... That just sounds like what our clients might say... like... soo hur (sue her)..."

".....................Hahaha that was good."

And now I am waiting for Steve P. to reply back my e-mail.