hur cosmos
from Julia
2010. 6. 25. 04:11
You have to believe in God, Soo.
But you have to pray and do the best you can,
because you can't expect Him to magically give you something when you have not asked for it or done your best to get it.
Call me or email me or visit me whenever you feel like talking about anything and everything, dear.
I will be wide open 24/7 for you! Like your hotline!
Now stop watching that Worldcup and do some job search!
From NYC,
Ouch unni xP ㅋㅋㅋ
나의 이번 뉴욕 방문기의 하이라이트 JK언니와의 디저트.
고작 2시간 함께 있었지만 that meant a LOT to me.
방금 날라온 이메일의 마지막 줄에 지금은 순종할 수 없음이
(일본 오늘 경기 촘 대박인듯!)
쬐끔 찔리지만... 히힛 :)